The deployment dashboard for Kamal

Easily see what changes are waiting to go out, who deployed last, if anyone is currently deploying, and more.

Get the insights you're looking for

Claim an environment

Need to run some post-deploy tasks on production? Claim it.

On Deck

Easily see which commits are waiting on deck to be released for that environment.

GitHub deployments

Automatically create GitHub deployments with each deploy.

Latest deployment

Quickly see what was recently deployed to triage issues faster.

In Progress

Want to see if someone is currently deploying? Monitor it from Shipyrd.

Deploy time

How long are deploys taking across your apps? Easily see total deploy time.


All plans come with a 30 day trial.


$ 14.99/month

  • 1 project
  • 1 user
  • 1 integration
  • 30 day history

$ 34.99/month

  • 10 projects
  • Unlimited users
  • 90 day history
  • 2 integrations